Tigarus Systems

Tigarus has been providing computer services to the Yukon since 1998 for free. 2010, we began charging for our services as fund raising to support our business development into video games. Thanks to your support Tigarus has become one of the Yukon’s leaders in technology. www.Tigarus.com

If you like our services please bring your computer in or donate today.


January 01, 2020, Tigarus is no longer officially providing technology services. However, services can still be provided as a personal request.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Software Services

Availability: [Apple] [Linux] [Windows]

Software Services Tier 1 Tier 2
Installation Essentials Plus User Software
Removal User Software Plus Anti-Virus
– Obsolete / Junk Limited Unlimited
Updates Security Only Security Only
Configuration Limited Unlimited
Migration No Yes
Troubleshooting No Yes
Documentation Standard Standard
Residential $20.00 $40.00
Commercial $40.00 $60.00

*Software sold separate

Software Services

Availability: [Apple] [Linux] [Windows]
*Software sold separate

Inspect system specs and software requirements.
Ensure software is compatible.
Installation of operating system essential software and user essentials.
User software by user request and provided license numbers. (Tier 2)
Inspect the software for components.
Removal of software and unwanted application data / foot prints.
Removal of user software by user request.
Removal of obsolete and junk software.
Removal of complex software with special needs such as an Anti-Virus. (Tier 2)
*Complete removal of all foot prints not guaranteed.
Security updates for already installed software essentials.
Configure software settings to meet user requirements.
Installation of application add-ons and plug-ins.
Includes essential security settings.
Attempt to move user data or application data to another program such as E-mail client software.
*May require privacy agreement.
Attempt to resolve known issues with user’s software.
*May require privacy or investigation agreement.
A documented service report of all services provided, test results, changes, etc in an easy to read printed or PDF document.
Standard documentation includes all essential service documents: Computer Admissions Form, Invoice, Computer Information, Service Report Summary, Time Sheet with Service Documentation.

Tier 1 Limitations
*Limited to a total of 8 obsolete and junk programs, add-ons or plug-ins removed.
Operating System Updates
*We currently do not actively download operating system updates, please do your own updates.

Systems by Tigarus