
Dear valued customers,

We are shutting down the computer services website in May (2024) as we move our focus towards software and video game creation.

There are no plans to continue the computer services due to increased equipment costs and the lack of public interest.

Tigarus' founder Patrick Spencer has been providing computer services on-and-off in the Yukon since 1998 as a certified I.T. professional. Patrick has been providing the services from home while he takes care of his disabled father. Now almost 40 years old, the property is up for sale. The computer industry has always been lacklustre in the North and now has become unaffordable. Plus competition with government funded not-for-profits. There is just no way to break-even says Patrick.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

How To: Defragmentation

Defragmentation is the act of rearranging raw data in the computer’s storage drive to be arranged together in sequence. Fragments occur when new data on the drive is stored in different places because other data is occupying the adjacent area. Defragmenting the data will rearrange the fragments to be placed together. The benefits are faster sequential access speed, and improved chance of data recovery. The negative effects are increased risk of drive failure, and possible data corruption during a power failure while defragging.

A full defragmentation can take several hours, and even days depending on the size of the hard drive and the amount of fragmented data. The long process puts a huge strain on the hard drive, increasing heat and wears down the drive.

Defragmentation is considered obsolete and is not necessary for modern hard drives. Defragmentation should near be preformed on solid state drives. Linux and Apple computers do not provide defragmentation tools.

To safely defrag a hard drive, I recommend using a program like Defraggler from or Smart Defrag from These programs provide a smart defragmentation option called Quick Defrag. Quick Defrag only defragments the fragmented files and not the entire drive.

Solid state drives should never be defragged. Solid state drives are not effected by fragmentation. Solid state drives automatically rotate the data’s placement over the life time of the drive, so all sections will be used equally. Rotating data increases the drive’s life span and decreases the risk of failure in a single location. Defragmenting a solid state drive increases the drive’s wear, and interferes with the drives automatic rotation.

Systems by Tigarus